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 Tan Care Instructions

Do not let this overwhelm you. This is just a detailed guide. Live, breath and move normally.

Be sure to have spray tan safe products as some
ingredients can fade your tan prematurely.

Make-Up/Face Wash

Before Rinse -

  • Avoid sweating, swimming, exercising & all forms of water or liquid.

  • Just Netflix and chill, we do not recommend doing anything strenuous or with a lot of movement. 

  • Avoid touching yourself to prevent transfer onto palms.

  • Avoid pet kisses & intimate encounters.

  • Stay in loose clothing.

  • Keep your hair up.

  • Avoid skin on skin contact.

  • Stay in sandals or stay barefoot to keep your feet from sweating while developing.

  • Do not put ANYTHING on your skin. 


Rinse Time -

  • Rinse with cool/luke warm water at the time instructed by your technician.

  • Use your hand to lightly help glide the top layer off in ALL areas including your armpits.

  • Rinse until the water runs clear.

  • Some color will rinse off in the shower, this is normal.

  • Do not use ANY products or wash your hair. Water rinse only.

  • Pat dry with the towel when you get out, do not rub.

  • Apply a spray tan approved lotion only as other lotions will strip your tan or alter the color. Recommendations are on our safe product page, the link is in the menu.

  • We do not recommend anything on the skin besides a spray safe lotion for 24 hours. 


PLEASE NOTE: If you come out and your tan is streaky, you did not rinse well enough, please get back in and rinse again.​


We recommend not exercising,
showering or shaving for 24 hours.



Keep your tan glowing -


  • Drink a lot of water! Hydrate from the inside out. The spray will last longer on healthier skin.

  • Moisturize morning & night with a spray safe lotion, this will keep your tan from fading patchy and make it last longer. Do not forget wrists, ankles, in-between breasts, neck and armpits. Moisturize your WHOLE body at least once a day in summer and twice a day in the winter. 

  • Use spray tan safe lotions only. Check out our spray safe products page or our shop.

  • Wear loose fitting clothing as often as possible.



Showers -

  • Take showers less frequently, when you do make them quick and cool/luke warm not hot.

  • Do not use wash cloths or loofahs, hands are best. 

  • Only wash what needs to be washed.

  • Always pat dry with the towel instead of rub.

  • Always moisturize right after your showers with a spray safe lotion.

  • Your face, hands & feet will fade the fastest due to washing and your feet due to sweating. If this bothers you, you can use our tan booster from our online shop to reapply color and to keep the tan up with the rest of the body. Wash palms after use with these products.


Products made specifically to work with our solutions will boost your tan the most, click below to purchase our Tan Booster that will help your tan last up to two weeks.





Facial wash / makeup - ​​

  • We recommend waiting to put makeup on. After your first initial rinse, you can do mascara & lips if you are going somewhere. You won't really need facial makeup since you will be tan. We recommend trying not to put any foundation on your skin until 20-24 hours. We only recommend using loose powders, steer clear of liquid foundation. When you are ready to take your makeup off use a gentle cleanser and pat the skin dry. Makeup wipes will take your face tan right off.  Unfortunately, the face is just something we wash too much and will fade rather quickly. Our clients will use a tanning serum for the face and add it into their beauty regimen. The most important products to avoid are retinols and alpha hydroxy acids.


Shaving -

We recommend not shaving for 24 hours. When you do shave, please use a brand-new razor blade (no lubricating strip) and hair conditioner to shave with as this will act like a barrier. You can also use sunless safe body wash. No bar soaps or shaving creams. Be sure to moisturize with a high quality spray safe lotion afterwards. 


Vacation -

  • Being in the sun, swimming, hot tubs as well as activities that cause you to sweat can fade your tan faster.

  • We recommend our tan booster from our online shop if you plan on doing these activities.

  • Keep in mind a sunless tan does not protect you from a sunburn. Please apply an approved SPF from our sunless safe product page.

  • No spray cans or oils. Mineral based water-resistant lotion form SPF. SunBum and Coola are best. 

  • Soaking will fade it faster. Do in and out sessions. After being in pools, oceans or hot tubs a cool rinse is recommended if an outside shower is available, patting dry with the towel and then applying our tan booster or spray tan safe lotion.


Exercise - 

  • Exercising within the first 24 hours after a spray is not recommended.

  • Sweating will cause your spray to fade faster. 


  • Please do your first rinse before you exercise & then apply a sunless approved lotion.

  • Applying a lotion before working out will help prevent fading.

  • You can put baby powder in areas that will rub against tight clothing.

  • Doing weights instead of cardio is better to avoid excessive sweating.


Fading - 

  • On day 5 start GENTLY exfoliating your skin head to toe in each shower, make sure not to forget ankles, wrists, arm creases and in between the chest or any areas where you may be getting blotchy.

  • End of life blotchy spots can be from not moisturizing enough, clothes rubbing / sweating or your skin starting its natural skin shed cycle, (lotion will help blend this).

  • Apply a high-quality spray safe lotion 1xs a day in the summer and 2xs a day in the winter.

  • Do this daily until it's all gone.


If your sunless tan is fading in patches, this is caused by dry skin and or not moisturizing those areas enough to help it fade out evenly. Make sure to increase your moisturizing or use a better-quality lotion for your next spray. If your tan is already blotchy it can be just time to exfoliate it off.


Strip it off - 

Apply baby oil on your skin like a lotion, relax in light long sleeve clothing for a couple hours. After baby oil has sat on your skin for a while take a steamy hot shower and at the end of the shower when your skin is warm and soft exfoliate with a mitt, glove or wash cloth. Repeat if needed. Hot tubs, pools, steam room, sauna and sweating will help take it off as well. 

Pro Tip- If you are moisturizing properly and exfoliating during your tans end of life it should fade just like a real tan. 



Fix it - 


  • Dawn dish soap and a pumice stone lightly (it should come right off)

  • Baby oil (mineral oil) and a scrubber

  • Dawn ultra platinum power wash dish spray and a scrubber

  • Mix lemon juice and baking soda to make a paste and a scrubber.

  • If your spray is fading spotty just exfoliate those spots and some lotion should take care of it.


DID YOUR SUNBURN PEEL? Gently exfoliate the edges, apply a spray approved lotion then add some bronzer to the lighter areas.


Any other issues please contact us immediately so we can tell you how to fix it!

Everything is fixable! We are here to help.

Strip It Off
Fix It

more than just a spray tan.

Where beauty meets skincare,


Pro Spray Tanning Across CT, we come to your home, no mess made!



Businesses, Hotels, Salons and more!

Contact us to inquire!



Rebecca Esthetics- 316 Main St, Southbury, CT.

Suite Space- 123 S Main St, Newtown, CT.

Static Beauty Lounge- 248 Oxford Rd, Oxford, CT.



We are also spraying out of two professional in-home studios one on the Southbury/Oxford, CT town line and one in Bristol, CT. 

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Disclosure: There is no such thing as 100% organic sunless solution due to the DHA not being organic, this is only 8-15% of the product. However, it is derived from sugar cane and beets and is considered safe for external application for use in sunless products. We do spray with the cleanest solutions that we can find on the market that have mostly organic ingredients. The FDA recommends that you take the following measures to protect against ingestion or inhalation during the sunless session by using protective eye wear, nose filters, sealing lips with lip balm and protective undergarments. Mobile Spray Tanning Locations- Norwalk, Weston, Wilton, Stamford, Fairfield, Easton, New Canaan CT.House Call Locations -Southbury Oxford Middlebury Woodbury Roxbury Watertown Bristol Burlington Harwinton Farmington Southington Wolcott Avon West Hartford New Britain Plainville Plymouth Newtown Monroe Ridgefield Norwalk Westport Darien Wilton Redding Weston Fairfield New Canaan Stamford Easton

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